The teams in our thriving youth section are coming together for a special event this weekend.

They are staging a Club Day at the Playing Field on Sunday from 11am – and everyone is welcome.

The event will include an unofficial word record attempt as players, and anyone else wishing to take part, try to beat the most penalties taken in one hour.

The current record – 1,302 spot kicks – is held by a school in India.

Also taking place during the day are inter-club matches and a Beat the Keeper competition with senior team players Rob Hall, Charlie Hawkings and Bianca Hamlyn taking it in turn between the posts.

There will also be a barbecue, refreshments and the clubhouse bar will be open.

Organiser John Norman said: “We’re looking forward to a great day and hope lots of people come along.

“We’d like to thank everyone who has helped organise the event along with all those people helping out on Sunday.”